Open SQL is the main feature in ABAP language which enables the user
to access database level from ABAP workbench editor. Open SQL is an independent
variant / subset of standard SQL with some additional SAP unique features which
is built into ABAP in SAP application. SQL is always identic with �SELECT�
statement; code which capable to select a particular data from a certain tables
with some possible conditions. Apart from �SELECT� statement, Open SQL also
enables a program to INSERT, UPDATE, MODIFY or DELETE data from physical
database in database layer (Adrian G�rler & Ulrich Koch, 2001).
Even though Open SQL is seems powerful enough to handle all sort of
database transaction, a common Open SQL is unable to dynamically bring a result
which require user control over the code during runtime. In some cases,
developing a program for such purposes using common Open SQL can be a nightmare
as the programmer must pre-code all the possible action received from the user.
Using Dynamic Open SQL, the programmer only needs to develop one program which
responds variously to different actions from the user (Roger Hayen -
Central Michigan University, 1999).